My Curated List of Free Fonts is Up
March 12, 2020 by Steven Ng
An important part of any web developer/report designers tool chest is a good set of fonts.
I've posted a new article entitled My Favorite Free Fonts in the Articles section of my site.
Not everyone (myself included) can afford to license a typeface like Avenir Next, Proxima Nova or Gotham, so I've compiled a set of go-to fonts that I use in my projects.
The article is organized by download site and then categorized by type.
Of the list, my favorite fonts are:
- Sans Serif: Nunito Sans, Hind
- Serif: Crimson Text, Times New Roman (You already have it, and you might think it's boring, but I still like it!)
- Coding/Monospace: Microsoft Cascadia Code, Sometype Mono
- Reporting: IBM Plex, Sparks (for creating sparklines)
I'll be updating that article periodically, as I discover new favorites, or if my tastes change.